Friday, July 22, 2011

CM PRESS # 567

Black Male Attacks Pregnant White Female And Gets His Leg Broken In Two Places

Cops said they found him screaming in pain in the street.  His victim used her kick boxing training to break his shin in two spots.
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Black McDonald's Mgr Hits White Mother of Two Autistic Boys in the Face

White mother is talking to an attorney.

Are you fed up with all the attacks on White people by non-Whites yet?
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Citizens Keeping An Eye On Elected Officials In Georgia To Make Sure They Enforce E-Verify

Meanwhile, why haven't the four good Costa Mesa City Councilmembers brought in E-Verify?  Are they taking orders from the plastic suits in the GOP who have gotten all squishy on illegal immigration?

The Costa Mesa City Council needs to know that citizens are watching to see whether or not they bring in E-Verify. 

If the Council fails to do so, expect a whole bunch of activists in Costa Mesa, who have been supporting the four good Councilmembers, to suddenly start actively working against them.

It can happen in an eye blink.
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Illegal Aliens Drive Up the National Debt

And, right here in Costa Mesa they drive up the costs of running the city.  How?

The seven street gangs in Costa Mesa are Latino gangs.  How many members of the gangs are illegal aliens is not known (or at least not reported by the political police in the CMPD who might know), and how many crimes are committed by illegal aliens in Costa Mesa (also not reported), but one can guess from scanning crime reports that the CMPD spends a lot of resources on policing illegal aliens or suspected illegal aliens or the children of illegal  aliens.

Illegal aliens also drive down the price of homes in Costa Mesa.  Upwardly mobile citizens don't want to move into neighborhoods full of illegal aliens and this depresses the value of real estate in those neighborhoods.  This also spreads to nearby neighborhoods.

This could go on and on, but you get the idea.

Say, City Council, why aren't you bringing in E-verify, and why aren't you thinning out the slums?
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Despite the cacklings of Chicken Littles in Costa Mesa, who would have you believe otherwise (because they are chock full of jingoism), this is not a picture of a Huntington Beach helicopter and pilot now patrolling Costa Mesa's skies and saving us money.

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Home Depot Co-Founder Blasts Obama

Says Obama doesn't understand anything about the economy.

More and more business leaders are understanding that Obama talks a nice talk, but walks a different walk.
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