Friday, March 18, 2011

CM PRESS # 441


No reports of any anonymous hate blogs.  No reports of people being whipped up into irrational states of hysteria.  No reports of any threats to management.

The workers apparently understand that no one is guaranteed a life time job and that when the economy gets bad, the company has to cut back.
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The usual haters and bigots have been trying to use the tragic death of a Costa Mesa employee yesterday for political advantage.

One of the things some haters and bigots did was to go to Monahan's bar, catch Gary off guard, and take photos of him smiling while dressed up in festive St. Patrick's Day clothes. 

The photos were then used to try to show that Gary didn't care about the death of the employee.

Remember, an Irish bar's busiest day of the year is probably St. Patrick's Day.  

Running his bar is Monahan's full time job.  That's how he supports himself, his family (wife and six kids) and his employees.  He was at work and trying to make the day an enjoyable and fun one for his customers when he was photographed.

To clear up the record, Gary issued a press release today which is reproduced below in full:

March 18, 2011


Yesterday was a heartbreaking day for all of us who call Costa Mesa home.

What is lost in all of the rhetoric is the fact that this is a tragic incident in the midst of a very difficult situation.  Our city lost one of it's brethren, and it certainly will take some time for it to heal.

Before I was informed of yesterday's incident, the union decided to take despicable advantage of this tragic situation to advance their agenda.

Had I known what transpired, I never would have agreed to pose for photos or engage in any revelry.

I became informed of the situation and contacted two of my fellow council members, who were on the scene, and quickly brought me up to speed with the details of the situation.

After learning of the volatility of the situation, I realized that my presence could further inflame and escalate the situation, and decided to not visit City Hall.

I remained in constant communication with my council colleagues, and was kept informed as the rest of the day transpired.

I understand the anger and hurt surrounding these potential layoffs.  I - and my council colleagues-have not made these decisions lightly, and we realize that our decisions are impacting families.

As Tom explained, we are working with staff to work through this very difficult situation, and I am hopeful that we can eliminate the politicization of this tragic incident, and worked together to heal our great city.

Gary Monahan
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Your government doesn't want to protect Whites.  They're the wrong color.
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The CMPD will be conducting a DUI/Drivers License checkpoint on Monday, March 21, 2011, on Bristol Street at Randolph Avenue between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
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We see you Dickson, and you'll be seeing us at many no-Planning Commission meetings asking why you won't take a stand for improving the Westside and why you're hiding.

Some of us have been working too hard and for too long to see a guy like you, who has made negative comments toward improvement of the Westside, get a chance to ruin the Westside.

Think we have you pegged wrong, Dickson?  Contact us.  Don't keep having a friend contact us.  Speak for yourself. 
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This is the lesser of the two commissions we have in Costa Mesa, and this one, unlike the no-Planning Commission, isn't required by law. 

We think this commission should be abolished as a waste of time and money.  Its few functions can easily be taken over by the no-Planning Commission which doesn't have enough to do these days.

The only reason to keep this commission is so the elected City Council members can give some of their pals seats to reward them for their political support.
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Link to OC Register report on yesterday's suicide.

We have very few details about the state of mind of the man who jumped to his death yesterday or of any particular psychological vulnerabilities that he may have had or even what his real reason was for doing what he did. 

All anyone can say for sure is that the death of anyone with a full life ahead of them is a sad thing, and I'm sure everyone of good will in Costa Mesa sends their condolences to the family of this man.

What we do know, generally, and apart from the particular state of mind of this man, is that the human mind is often susceptible to an emotionally charged atmosphere, and that at such times perspective can be lost and some individuals may not be able to roll with the punches.

There are those who have been using hate speech and threats in an attempt to whip up emotions of employees against a City Council trying to do its job and dig Costa Mesa out of a financial hole.

Read the comments following the OC Register article and also the ones following the Daily Pilot report of the same incident [HERE] and you'll see many examples of violent hate speech. This type of speech can have an effect on some vulnerable individuals.

You'll also read constant comments about Costa Mesa employees being a family.  They are not a family.  They are co-workers. They are hired to do a job. Talk of "family" gives an emotional charge to the job that might lead some to so identify with their "family" that any thought of it breaking up is worse than death.

All that is really going on in Costa Mesa is that some workers are being given pink slips that may come due in six months.  It was statutorily necessary to give out all these pink slips at this time.

As the months go on, many of the pink slips given out now may be revoked.

And, some workers who are actually laid off may even just be "transferred" to private firms and will continue doing the same work they're doing now.  Others will have a long period in which they can collect unemployment and look for new jobs or maybe start their own businesses.

This is not doomsday. It is a change. That's all it is. People are fired and laid off all across the U.S. each and every day.  It is part of life. No one is hired and told that they have life time employment.

Those who are blogging under anonymous names and making threats and whipping up hysteria may be to blame for this tragedy. We can't know for sure, but they need to tone it down and they need to keep things in perspective.

This hate and hysteria began during the last election cycle with a few people who not only started whipping up the hysteria but who, by the nature of the respect given to their jobs with the city, helped legitimize such hate and such hysteria in the minds of others.

This was then picked up by others, including many anonymous bloggers and even a mentally unstable non-anonymous blogger or two.  This is not a psychologically healthy atmosphere.

The mass pink slips are not the end of the world.  They are not breaking up a family. They have nothing do to with the identity and self-worth of each individual. They are no reflection on the quality of the job being done by each individual. There is nothing personal in the pink slips.

Life goes on with its ups and downs. To weather the storms of life, it is wise to not put all your emotional eggs in a single basket.  One must know that a job is not the totality of one's life.  It is a job.  It is a means to an end.  That's all it is.

If one understands that the only constant in existence is change, one has a better chance of keeping things in proper perspective.

Like most other people, I've had my ups and downs.  When I've faced the downs and the uncertainities that we all face, I've found Peggy Lee's Is That All There Is a help in putting things in perspective.  LINK TO PEGGY LEE VIDEO.
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Those are our opinions. Thanks for reading them.

1 comment:

  1. I understand a lot of employees did not come into work today. It's pretty clear they're at home on their computers blaming our City Council for one depressed man's tragic actions! Despicable behavior by a few that taints our few of the many great ones we have!
