Thursday, March 18, 2010


Will Obamatics now claim that the Israeli is a racist for saying that about Obama?
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Failed City Council candidate Chris McEvoy (that's him in the photo)says that Costa Mesa is the best city in the country.

He also apparently doesn't like people trying to improve the city by first pointing out areas where it needs improvement. And, McEvoy claims that because he has a BS in math that he's a logical thinker.

So, here's our challenge: McEvoy, give us the numbers and statistics that prove that Costa Mesa is the best city in the country. Nothing would make us happier than to learn that this is the case.

On second thought, such a jingoistic statement is so obviously false on its face that it's just silly and you'd never be able to give us a logical answer with numbers and statistics. So, instead, how about just proving to us that Costa Mesa is not trending more like Santa Ana than Newport Beach.

If you're able to write something logical that has numbers and statistics and if it's readable, we'll publish it. But, if you just write the usual lefty kumbaya crap that we hear from you and your pal Foley, don't waste our time.


At public comments during Tuesday's (3/16/10) City Council meeting, failed City Council candidate Chris McEvoy went to the podium and said that he agrees with Flopsy Foley, and he said that he's tired of the CM PRESS saying that Costa Mesa is a slum city. He also said that Costa Mesa is the best city in the country.

Now, folks, the CM PRESS has already written why we like Costa Mesa. In fact, we like it so much that we put a lot of time and effort into trying to improve the city.

Specifically, we like the fact that Costa Mesa is close to the ocean, but doesn't have beach traffic (ah, except at the end of the SR 55), that we like the cool, moist ocean breezes, that we like that it's close to the freeways, that we like its general layout and size, and that we like the general vibes in the city. And, yes, we could objectivize each of these seemingly subjective things we like, as we have in the past, but you get the idea.

However, we are also realists at the CM PRESS and we can see things that we think need to be improved and not be glossed over by Pollyannish left wing twerps who can't think in a straight line but who will gush nonsense with no facts to back up what they're gushing.

So, in this last regard, over the years we've given you the objective hard numbers and statistics (remember those words "objective," "numbers" and "statistics") about Costa Mesa, and we've also provided a way to measure how we're doing as a city by comparing our objective hard numbers and statistics with the five surrounding cities, which we call the ring of cities.

These five cities are Santa Ana, Fountain Valley, Irvine, Newport Beach and Huntington Beach. You will devine that we picked these five cities not only because they are close to Costa Mesa, but each one of them physically touches our land at some point, and they do essentially surround Costa Mesa.

What have we found when we compare these five cities with Costa Mesa? In as few words as possible, we've found that Costa Mesa is trending more like Santa Ana--the worst city of the five cities in just about every category you can think of--and less like our natural sister city, Newport Beach--with whom we share a common school district and even a daily newspaper (the Daily Pilot).

We've pointed out that many of Costa Mesa's schools are officially considered to be failing schools. And, we've also said that we have too many rentals (about 62% of housing stock) vs. owner occupied residences and that we have too much industrial zoning, and much of it is on our Westside Bluffs whose highest and best use would be for residences to attract upwardly mobile people to the Westside.

In addition, we've pointed out that the whole city of Costa Mesa was recently put into a slum city category by three members of the City Council--Foley, Leece and Monahan--who voted to make ALL of Costa Mesa an Economic Recovery Zone--this is the same designation that covers all of Santa Ana, but which doesn't cover Newport Beach. Folks, that designation is a tacit acknowledgement of slum status.

Furthermore, back during the time when the Westside Plans were being worked on, it was documented that most of the Westside, along with parts of Mesa North and Mesa del Mar, legally qualified to be put into a Redevelopment Zone because of blight and other downscale conditions.

Now, we were just going to ignore McEvoy's comments but we believe he may give a good example of how improvement obstructionists and lefties think, and he claims to be a logical and mathematical thinker. Also, this guy may try again to get on the City Council.

Here's McEvoy in his own words from his blog (LINK):

"I have a BS in Mathematics which means I am a thinker and a problem solver. Mathematical thinking has its roots in Ancient Greece which led eventually to to logic, law and democracy. The very first thing you learn in mathematics is how to solve a problem and the key first step is to understand that problem. Mathematics also teaches you to understand how all the steps are going to lead to a solution, this gives me strong foresight skills."

So, this guy believes he's a thinker and implies that he's logical.

Okay, McEvoy, put your facts where your mouth is.

Give us the "objective" hard "numbers" and "statistics" to back up your statement that Costa Mesa is the best city in the country and that it's not a slum city. Give us the numbers.

Incidentally, McEvoy's own biography indicates that the farthest he's ever lived from Costa Mesa during his adult life was in Long Beach, so he doesn't seem to have much to compare Costa Mesa to in his claim that it's the best city in the country.

Since McEvoy's statement that Costa Mesa is the best city in the country is so obviously unsupportable and is in the category of statements such as "my school is the bestest," we'll make our challenge easier.

McEvoy, just prove that Costa Mesa is not trending more like Santa Ana than Newport Beach.

Remember, the CM PRESS position is that to solve a problem you first have to realize you have a problem and then you have to objectively study it to fix it.
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1 comment:

  1. I watched the video and also note that McEvoy said he uses "medicinal marijuana" Freightening that this clown may run again for City Council. Could you imagine his leadership!!
