Monday, March 19, 2012

CM PRESS # 801

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It was cold in Costa Mesa yesterday, so we at the CM PRESS put on warm jackets when we left the HQ.

Out on the streets of Costa Mesa, we saw many other individuals all wearing warm jackets.

How did all of us know to wear warm jackets?  Had we received a directive from Sacramento or D.C. to put on warm jackets?  Were we somehow all tied in with each other via mental telepathy? Nope and nope.  We, all of us as individuals, individually decided to put on warm jackets at about the same time. 

Why?  It's because all organisms, including human beings, seek comfort.  We automatically put on warm jackets because they made us more comfortable than we would have been had we not put them on. This was so because our senses (which we have so we can survive) sent signals to our brains letting us know that being warm was a better tactic for survival as individuals than being cold.

So, we who live in Costa Mesa were the ones to decide on what was right for us.

We, each one of us as individuals, took care of ourselves.  We didn't wait for someone else to tell us what to do.  We just did what was best for us personally.  Was that selfish of us?  Of course not.  A basic principle of individualism and survival is that each of us should do what is best for ourselves so long as we don't harm others. 

This principle of individualism then spirals out in ever increasing circles.

First, you must take care of yourself.  Then, you move to your family.  Then, to your neighbors.  Then to your neighborhood.  Then, to your city, your county, your state, your nation, your planet,your solar system.  And, there's no false altruism in any of this, when it is done with reason and understanding, because, generally, as you help others in these ever increasing circles, you're helping your own survival.

The problem comes in if you leap over the smaller circles to help others in the larger, more distant circles while sacrificing those in the smaller circles closer to yourself. 

But, to fully understand, you have to go deeper still.  When you take care of yourself as an individual what are you really taking care of?  The answer is that you are taking care of the particular and unique genetic code that you carry and which made you the person you are.

When you put on that warm jacket, you were protecting your genetic code.  It is that which must survive and which "wants" to survive.  Now, it's not as though your genetic code is some sort of entity sitting inside of you and you are just a robot.  The code is one with you and you are one with it.  You are its means of survival and it is your means of survival.  You and it are indivisible.

It all begins at these deeper levels and spirals up to our fully manifested selves--the person we see in the mirror--but if we understand a little of these deeper things, we begin to see the natural way to live and we begin to see what is important and what is not important in life and we begin to see why it is better to have local control of the conditions that affect us.

If we had waited for a directive from Sacramento or D.C. to put on our coats, many of us would have been uncomfortable and many probably would have come down with colds. This would have put us in danger of not surviving, which means our genetic code might not survive. So, the internal program created by the genetic code, kicked in and "we" decided with our "free will" that  it would be more comfortable if we wore a warm coat.
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