Friday, March 9, 2012

CM PRESS # 792


Will remain on the Council.  New mayor will be appointed on the 13th.  Expect the new Mayor to be Jim Righeimer and the new Mayor Pro Tem to be Steve Mensinger.  Sorry Wendy, no one trusts you anymore except the usual airheads.  You're finished in politics.
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Have you ever had a politician tell you that he or she agrees with you on, say, 90% of your issues so you should support the politician? We have had some say that to us, and we're tired of hearing it.

It's an an absurd thing to say and is just calculated to fool dopes.  How's that?  Simple.  The unspoken assumption in giving that or some other percentage on "issue" agreement is the false premise that all issues are equal in weight.  They're not.

For example, you may have ten things that are important to you here in Costa Mesa, but nine of them may be relatively minor and the tenth one may be a mega issue for you.  So, if the politician is with you on the nine minor issues but against you on that one mega issue would you be fooled into supporting him or her?  We wouldn't.

We bring this up, because to us the Westside is the mega issue.  It outweighs all other issues.

Another mega issue, which is really a subset of the Westside issue, is the wasting of our money on non-profits that act as magnets to draw people here who can't afford to live here and which then help them continue to live here.  This has a corrosive effect on the city.  Look at the Westside where this is going on.  Look at the schools over there.  Look at the non-profits over there. 

Misplaced compassion that tells people to just stay here and not move to where they can afford to live, drives down the city for the rest of the residents.

We're tired of hearing lip service about Westside improvement but no action. 

Do we sound pissed off?  We are.  We want to see action on the Westside.  We're tired of being glad handed by those who are in City government as elected officials, appointed officials or employees and then seeing little or no action.
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Pat Buchanan gets it right again about the blustering from GOP candidates.
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The City Council should use some of our CDBG funds to put in proper plants on the median on W. 19th Street instead of putting it into the pockets of the charity bosses.  The present plants don't do anything for the appearance of the street. 

As we've suggested before, the City Council can simply ask the plant folks in Newport Beach for some suggestions, as they seem to do a better job than we're doing here in Costa Mesa. 

If you doubt it, just cross the border into Newport Beach on almost any connecting street and you'll see a big difference.  You go from drab and boring in Costa Mesa, to colorful and exciting as soon as you enter Newport Beach.

You either have a sense of plant aesthetics or you don't.  Costa Mesa seems to lack that sense and Newport seems to have it.
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Forty year old theory says it has to exist since we exist. But where is it?
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These are the people who, as a body, recommend that the City Council give your money--and in what amounts--to various non-profits.  We don't have a tally on who voted on what on this committee, but it's usually done by a simple majority vote. (See columns below on MIKA and Westside)

Arlene Schafer
Philip Morello-Chair
Christian Eric
William R. “Bob” Wakeham
Christian Olson
Yvonne Rowden
Keith Maximillian Scheinberg
Jeff Mathews
Robert L. Dickson, Jr.
Diane McCardle

Colin McCarthy
Andrew Smith
Steve Mensinger
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We keep seeing some of the usual low I.Q. types writing that we are Northside Phil, a frequent commenter in the Daily Pilot and elsewhere. Nope, that's not us.  As we've written before, we never comment in the Daily Pilot or other newspapers except in signed letters or columns.  And, in those, we always use either "CM PRESS" or  "M. H. Millard."  And, we never comment on other local blogs, but if we ever do, we'll use CM PRESS or M. H. Millard.

When we write something in Costa Mesa, we want you to know we wrote it.
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At the City Council study session on Tuesday (3/13), a presentation will be made about a vision for improving Harbor Blvd. HERE

So, what's wrong with that?  Nothing, except it's the wrong focus and the wrong priority.  The focus and priority should be on the Westside.

Look folks, you may recall that it was the CM PRESS going to a City Council meeting a couple of months ago and requesting that a sign be put at the entrance of the Westside on W. 19th Street to start the re-branding of the area that started the process going in that regard.

There's still no sign, but we're told that a concept will be presented to the City Council at their meeting on 3/20.  Okay, so government moves slowly.  But, all we're talking about is a crummy sign that should have gone up years ago and now this is all the City Council is going to do for the Westside?  One crummy sign?  Where's the action on improving the Westside?  Where are the bulldozers knocking down slum buildings and putting in parking lots for Crissy Brooks so she won't have to park on sidewalks? (see story below).

Help Crissy improve her Shalimar slum neighborhood, City Council, by taking some of that CDBG money and buying up a building in her slum and tearing it down.

And, about that sign.  We hear from a little birdie that a member of the Planning Commission has now jumped out in front of the CM PRESS sign request and is acting like he's leading the parade.  If this guy wants any respect, he'd better come up with his own ideas.  And, if he doesn't have any original ideas, which is likely, he can contact us and we'll tell him what needs to be done next on the Westside.
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Crissy Brooks

GIRL FROM EXPENSIVE MESA VERDE MOVES TO THE THIRD WORLD (2 miles away on the Westside) AND JOYFULLY (and sometimes tearfully, and at other times joyfully/tearfully at the same time) GUSHES ABOUT THE HUMANITY OF IT ALL

In her latest dispatch from the Third World (aka the Westside, and specifically the overcrowded and illegal infested Shalimar slum) HERE, Crissy Brooks,who runs the MIKA non-profit, tells us how she learned to park her car on a crowded slum street and that she roughs it by sharing a washing machine and a barbecue. Why, she has even learned to make "fashionable purses out of plastic grocery bags."

What else has Crissy learned?  Well, according to the agenda for the City Council study session coming up on March 13, HERE, Crissy has learned how to ask the City Council for $ 7,500 of your hard earned dollars to help "youth"  in the Third World (about 2 miles from her girlhood home in Mesa Verde, remember). Actually, she's no piker (with your money) and has asked for $20,000, but the 3R Committee cut it back to $ 7,500 (more about this request a little further down).

Now, what about citizens who don't want any of their money to go to keeping the Westside as slum central and who don't want any of their money to go to suspected illegal aliens and their families?

There are three outs for the squishes on the 3R Committee and on the City Council to use to try to silence and mollify these critics of this money giveaway. 

The first out is that non-profits DON'T ask if their clients are in the country legally or not, so the squishes can pretend they have no common sense and  that it hasn't been proven that any of the money will help illegal aliens. 

The second out  is that Crissy's request is for "youth," (a variant of  "it's for the children so don't be heartless").

And, the third out for squishes is that Crissy's over the top request for $ 20,000 was cut to a "mere" $ 7,500 (read, "See, we didn't give her all she wanted so we're fiscally tough, by gum.").  In this regard, we suspect that Crissy, who used to be on the 3R Committee that makes the recommendations for money handouts to the City Council (and who now has slum street smarts and can make plastic purses), knows enough to ask for more than you expect so the committee and the City Council can cut you back to what you really expect to get.

At any rate, Crissy is apparently a very busy girl, what with learning to park her car in an overcrowded barrio to sharing the washing machine and barbecue and learning to make fashionable purses out of plastic shopping bags, because in this column  HERE, written by Crissy, we learn that she drove down to Tijuana to cry with some of her illegal alien neighbors who had been arrested and deported.


The CM PRESS position is that none of the money should go to non-profits (the same ones are back year after year and conditions never improve on the Westside) which is akin to giving a man a fish, but that every penny should be used to fix up the Westside infrastructure so the area improves, which is like giving a man a fishhook. 

Here's one tidbit that squishes try to gloss over, and I know this for a fact because I used to be on the 3R Committee:  NOT ONE PENNY OF THE CDBG FUNDS HAS TO GO TO NON-PROFITS.  The City Council can use every last penny on infrastructure on the Westside.  The only reason City Councils give money to the non-profits is because past lefties on the Council started doing so every year and now many new Councilmembers wrongly think that they have to give your money (and it is your money) to the non-profits.

Oh, and here's something else. The present City Council has a provision in the proposed charter that will stop unions from taking money from City workers, against their will, to fund union activities.  But what about the Council taking YOUR money to fund nonprofits that you may not want to fund?  Hmmmm?

To be absolutely clear: If you want to give your money to Crissy's MIKA or any other nonprofit, that's your business and have at it.  But, the City Council shouldn't force all of us to give money to nonprofits that we don't want to support. 
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Those are our opinions.  We welcome your comments.

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