Tuesday, August 24, 2010

CM PRESS # 235


Opposes One State solution. Why? Because Arabs would soon outnumber Jews in Israel and "change the character of Israel."

Now, why isn't that view called racism? Hmmmmm.

Actually, the Jewish writer is correct and Israel would quickly cease to be a Jewish state under a One State solution, but aren't we told that diversity is important (read that every nation has to look like the Star Wars Bar)?
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If a White guy, the son of a White father and a White mother, runs for the state assembly and shows pride in being White, he'll be called a racist.

If, however, he runs as a plain ol' American, no one will call him a racist; and they also won't call him a self-hater for denying his Whiteness--in fact, they might praise him for not having any White consciousness. You see, Whites are expected to be aracial.

Meanwhile, Allan Mansoor, the son of an Egyptian (read Arab) father and a White mother (from Sweden), is running for the state assembly as a plain ol' American and he's being called (depending on the lefty bigot doing the name calling, and sometimes it's the same lefty bigot in both cases) a racist because he's not emphasizing his father's Egyptian origin and he's also being called a self-hater, also because he's not emphasizing this heritage. Huh?

Hmmm. So if you're White and emphasize your White heritage, you're a racist, but if you don't emphasize it, no one calls you a self-hater and may praise you for being aracial.

But if you're Allan Mansoor and don't emphasize your Arab heritage you're a racist and a self-hater to boot, and both at the same time. But if you do emphasize your Arab heritage, now you're not a racist and not a self-hater, except that does make you a racist if you use the same standard that's applied to White people.

It's all pretty silly Alice in Wonderland stuff.

The lefty Mansoor haters are twisting themselves into pretzels as fast as their tiny pea-sized brains will allow them to do this.

As we've written before, bigots aren't very bright. As evidence of this, just check the comments from bigots in the local press including one bigot who just can't keep from commenting on everything as though anyone cares what this impotent, pathetic low I.Q. weakling thinks.

It's the same bigots and Mansoor haters writing their hate filled comments again and again.

Most of these bigots are also trying to elect Liberal Democrat Phu Nguyen (known as Phat Phuey to some), a guy whose one qualification seems to be that he's Vietnamese (but, that's not racist to the lefty bigots), so their attacks on Mansoor are not only motivated by their hatred and bigotry but also by politics.

Here's the twist to this. We think Mansoor would actually be better for Little Saigon than Nguyen because, if our observations are correct, Mansoor has connections to the development community and state and national politicians who we believe may be persuaded into helping Little Saigon evolve into the undisputed center of Vietnamese life in the U.S.

Don't ever discount the value of the right Rolodex in politics or business, dear friends.
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Iran is building a fast, shallow-water navy capable of damaging our deep water ships.

The U.S. projects naval power around the world via massive aircraft carriers and their support ships. The problem today is that many nations have missles and explosives that can sink these aircraft carriers and their support ships.

What Iran is doing is mass producing very fast (up to 70 knots) speedboats that will be difficult to stop if they pack-attack our large slow moving ships. Multiple attacks by such speedboats loaded with high explosives would be able to damage even our largest carriers.
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Here's the real problem that isn't mentioned in the above link. Costa Mesa pays the NMUSD about $200,000 per year for the use of fields on elementary school campuses, yet the City has waived about $ 700,000 in fees from the users of these fields that would take this burden off the backs of Costa Mesa taxpayers and would help pay for additional recreation activities.

Now, before you say that these waivers go to non-profit organizations, you need to remember that a non-profit organization still pays the people involved in that organization.

So, here's the business plan for some of them: Get the free use of fields in Costa Mesa. Pay yourself (as a staff member or organizer) a nice salary from the fees of the "kids" participating in the sports activities, and go to the bank smiling to yourself.

Wouldn't you like a business with free rent? And, wouldn't you like citizens thinking that you're "helping" the kids out of the goodness of your heart?

There's more...

What the Costa Mesa Parks and Recreation Division has done (and which they slipped past the Council) is to come up with a fee waiver program that doesn't allow the Council to turn freebies down if a few simple requirements by an organizer are claimed to be met.

So, part of the confusion at last Tuesday's City Council meeting came about because the Councilmembers were asked to vote yes or no on the fee waiver of a group, when they really had no chance of voting "no."

In other words, Al Qaida or a man from Mars could meet the simple requirements of the fee waiver program and get free rent on the fields in Costa Mesa--that we must pay for--and the City Council has its hands tied and can't turn down the request because of the way the requirements are presently written.

What has to happen...

The Council needs to ask the City Attorney to rewrite the regulations so the Council actually has a choice of accepting or not accepting any application for free field use.

We elect a City Council to vote on things, not just rubber stamp whatever staff puts in front of them. We need to give that right to vote back to the Council.
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Link to OC REGISTER story about the scam in Fullerton.

You think that Fullerton is alone in this? Think again. The CM PRESS has been writing for years about the same thing being done right here in Costa Mesa. Check out CM PRESS # 216, from February 21, 2009 (HERE) for one such report on this.

In # 216 you'll read that Costa Mesa has (as of that date) 124 city employees who make more than $ 15,000 per month (including overtime & annual pensions). You'll also read about employees making more than $ 60,000 per year just in overtime.
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Those are our opinions. Thanks for reading them.

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