Saturday, May 29, 2010

CM PRESS # 148

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No, we're not all just Americans. We have genetic differences, and Whites need to start understanding this and act accordingly for their own best interests, just as all other distinct peoples are doing, or Whites are going to keep getting the short end of the stick.


It's been clear to us for some time that many Whites need to have their consciousness raised.

In the comments following the above linked OC Register article (that we also linked to yesterday), about the Latino Caucus threatening to kill the Fair deal, you'll see comments like this one, presumably from a White person: "Why do we need a 'Latino Caucus?' I thought we were all Americans..."

We say "presumably from a White person," because this is the same sentiment we hear from many Whites who just don't understand nature or the way America is today.

Sometimes, this sentiment will take the form of "Don't put any hyphens in my name, I'm just an American." And, these and other versions of this will almost always be said by a White person, but by no others.

Such sentiments have their historic roots in the old "melting-pot" canard which got its start in a play performed in 1908.

As the term melting-pot then came to be used in the popular lexicon, it referred to the peoples of various European nations who were coming to America and whose "national" (not genetic) identities, languages and cultures were being melted into a sort of plain-wrap aracial European White person on the American shore.

The term caught on among Whites. And, so long as Whites were the clear majority in America, this term, along with the expression "we're a nation of immigrants," was repeated in a formulaic and rote way that disguised the fact that what was really being said was "When you newer White European immigrants come to America, you must blend in with the earlier White immigrants who came here before you."

Now, so long as the immigrants were Europeans this presented no problem, because, as we indicated above, these later European immigrants were pretty much just like the earlier ones. The fact of White identity didn't have to be brought up because it was just a fact of everyday life.

In other words, the genetically determined physical looks and the genetically determined ways of thinking and acting of all Europeans were pretty much the same.

Today, many non-European genetic groups are increasing their numbers in America and they have their own genetically determined looks and ways that many value and want to retain along with that secondary product of their genes found in their former countries--their cultures (used here in the broadest sense). If they jump into the melting-pot, they will not just blend away their cultures, but they'll also blend away that most basic and essential part of themselves: their genes.

In addition, if they just accept the nostrum,"I am an American," they will be absorbed into the plain wrap American society which is still, in many ways, a White society with White values, White social norms and White ways of looking at the world and our place in it. This means non-Whites will have no political power to represent their own unique interests and ways, because, remember, they will have given up any separate identity in favor of a watered down ersatz White identity.

Some of these non-Europeans understand this consciously and some sub-consciously, but either way, many in politics are starting their own caucuses such as the Latino Caucus to protect what they see as their genetic interests. They may not state it this way, but scratch the surface down to where basic forces of nature bubble up into human actions and you'll find this is the case.

The result of this process is that it leaves aracial low consciousness Whites, who still cling to the melting-pot idea, befuddled and saying things such as the comment above about us all just being Americans.

And, it also leaves Whites without any organized groups in various government bodies (such as the Latino Caucus or the Black Caucus) to protect and advance their interests as White people.

This is a civil rights issue for Whites, whether many realize it today or not.

So, where are we in this civil rights struggle? We're about at the stage where Rosa Parks was when she refused to give up her bus seat and was snickered at by her fellow Blacks.

Protest all you want, but the fact is that the Orange County Fair, as well as most other county fairs in America, was,when it first began, the product of White sensibilities born of the White experience in America and is directly related to their genetic interests.

And, the upholding of our immigration laws, as Costa Mesa wants to do, is also primarily a White concern.

Now, a non-White group--the California Latino Legislative Caucus (to give its full name)--comprised of a handful of Latino politicians, is threatening to kill the Costa Mesa Fair deal because Costa Mesa has said that it wants to uphold immigration law.

Where is the California White Legislative Caucus on this? There is no such thing.

As we explained above, too many low consciousness Whites think that we're all just Americans. As a result, non-Whites are able to organize into racial/ethnic groups and take concerted political actions that often go against traditional (and, you know what that means) values and interests while Whites are fragmented and disorganized and have no caucus to look after their traditional values and interests.

We think it's time to start a California White Legislative Caucus. What do you think? # # #

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