Thursday, December 1, 2011

CM PRESS # 697


Remember how the Muslim students were prosecuted for keeping an Israeli from speaking on campus?  The whole issue was about free speech rights.  Well, now UCI, itself, is preventing a Koran burning Christian minister from speaking or even entering the campus.

That's one of the problems we have in this country:  too much inconsistency over things such as free speech.
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Watch now as the dimwits try to somehow blame that on Jim Righeimer.

Look, folks, all the hate speech aimed at Righeimer about wanting to get Costa Mesa's financial house in order is absurd.  

Costa Mesa, for too long, has been under the dictatorship of the unions. 

It is time citizens--you know, those of us who live here, who put our heads on pillows in Costa Mesa each night, who have our kids here, who go to the markets here, who vote here--got control of the government again, which is the way it's supposed to be.  And, in our case this means getting the unions out of our local politics.

We're penny pinchers here at the CM PRESS.  We don't like to spend more for goods and services than we have to and we haggle over things to get the best deals.  We want those in our City government to also be penny pinchers and to haggle and get the best deals.  After all, the money being spent by the City government is our money.

If we can outsource to get a better deal for the citizens of Costa Mesa, well then that's what we must do.

The surprising thing in what's going on in Costa Mesa these days is that we actually now have people on the City Council with the gonads to stand up to the out of town unions. 

This was unheard of just a few years ago.  Why?  Because the out of town unions pump many thousands of dollars into our local elections to put puppets on the City Council who will give away the store; our store.

Now, we're seeing the unions and a few of their dimwitted running dogs trying to confuse voters with talk about the City Council being mean to our "beloved" City employees.  This is BS.   Yes, we have lots of good employees.  Every city does.  That's not the issue. No one wants to be mean to them or let them go or cause them hardships.

The issue is getting the best deals on goods and services for our money and being able to run our city as we want to run it, not as the union bosses want to run it.
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Map from Wikipedia article on 57 freeway LINK

They also need to organize against the extension of the 57 Freeway.

It's all connected, folks. If you miss the big picture, your little picture isn't going to be what you want it to be.

Here's what we wrote about this in CM PRESS # 658 on October 23, 2011:


That's the 57 freeway.

See the dotted purple line?

That's the proposed future of the 57 freeway. It goes all the way down to PCH.

It will run along the east edge of the Santa Ana river by Mesa Verde.

Remember how the railroad was built across the country, with one group starting on the east and the other on the west and meeting in the middle?

The bottom several purple dots on the above map are just about where the Bluff Road is planned to be built for Banning Ranch.

So, the Bluff Road will head north from PCH up to 19th Street. And, at some time, the 57 Freeway will more than likely head south of the 405 freeway to maybe connect up with the Bluff Road. If that happens, the 57 Freeway will go all along Costa Mesa's western border and end up at PCH.

Thus, the Bluff Road may make it easier for the 57 Freeway to come down to vex Costa Mesa. The 19th Street Bridge might also hasten that day.
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1 comment:

  1. Banning Ranch is good for Costa Mesa. If Banning Ranch goes in, property values on the bluffs go way up, and that will spur development of tow yards and mobile home parks.
