Thursday, December 29, 2011

CM PRESS # 725


[UPDATE: Boys and girls, be sure to have your mommy and daddy read the comments HERE under the Daily Pilot article mentioned below.

That funny Mr. Tom now has a whole long string of comments there that quote material going all the way back to the 1800's. Honest Injun.  Please someone tell Mr. Tom, the issue is simple: The school board should spend the money they get on the kids, not on themselves.  And, if there's a shortage of money, the kids come first.]

Good morning boys and girls. Here's a photo of Tom Egan.  Let's call him Mr.Tom. 

Mr. Tom is a frequent critic of the good City Councilmembers, but now he's also criticizing those who criticize the school board.

Mr.Tom is funny.  He goes to City Council meetings and just sort of complains a lot.

Recently, Mr. Tom wrote a column in the Daily Pilot.  Then, Mr. Tom thought  I had commented on that column under a phony name.  Mr. Tom was sad when I told him that it wasn't me.  Can you draw a sad face, boys and girls?  Oh, I forgot, you don't have any pencils to draw with or any paper to draw on. Never mind.

Anyway, Mr. Tom used to be on the NMUSD school board.

HERE'S  Mr. Tom's most recent column in the DAILY PILOT. Mr. Tom is criticizing those who criticize the school board for spending too much money on things such as conferences, etc. for the board members instead of on things for you boys and girls.

Mr. Tom wants your mommy and daddy to believe that  it's okay for the school board to use your mommy and daddy's money to go to conferences and pay for things that don't help you.

But other people like Mr.Steve Smith over at the Daily Pilot say that money should be spent on you boys and girls.  Mr. Tom doesn't like it when Mr. Steve says those things.

So, boys and girls, where are the schools going to get money if the school board doesn't give it to them? 

Why, that's right, the schools ask your mommy and daddy for the money.  This makes some mommies and daddies mad because they already give money to the school board that is supposed to be used on you.  It's called taxes.

Recently, at least one school in the district sent out a letter to your mommy and daddy asking them to donate money to the school so the school can buy stuff for you.

Now, boys and girls, remember what I just told you above? Your hard working mommy and daddy already contribute money to the school.  It's called taxes.  Your mommy and daddy's money is supposed to be used by the school board to buy this stuff that is needed in the schools and not use it to go to unnecessary conferences and for other wasteful things. 

You see, boys and girls, the school board has NO money.  Every penny belongs to your mommy and daddy and the school board is supposed to use that money on you.

So, boys and girls, what do you think your mommy and daddy should do about this? 
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Nice column in the LA TIMES.

Right now, the immigration laws in the U.S. are a mess with the lower courts ruling all over the place on their constitutionality.  Hopefully, the Supreme Court will make some broad rulings when it hears the Arizona case that will bring some consistency to immigration.
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[UPDATE: The CMPD has arrested Rogelio Nava Rivera as the machete man in the above incident.  No word on whether he's a legal resident or not, but the news report does say he's from Costa Mesa.]
Love triangle.
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And, the  dimwitted neurotic self-hating Good Whites croon that it must be White American racism.  And, all the Black attacks on Whites. More White American racism.  And, the high Black crime rate. More White American racism.  And, the high Black crime rate in England. More White American racism, ah, more White racism. And, the high Black crime rate in Denmark.  More White American racism, ah, more White racism.

See any patterns?  The establishment and the press would prefer that you not see such patterns. 

That's why, in addition to the excuses you'll find in the above linked story, they try to hide the race of violent criminals. 

How many stories have you read in local newspapers about  cops trying to find  violent criminals and the only description given is that  they are male or teens or are a certain age?  Why is that?  It's because the press is trying to persuade you that violent crime is an equal opportunity employer.  It isn't.  Not by a long shot, and if you know this you may be just a little safer.

Genes are us.  Know it, and you'll start to understand the human condition a little more and you may keep from being a victim.

At this point, the Good Whites sniffle "Well, not every Black or non-White is a criminal."  Sigh.  Yes, we know that.  Most aren't.  What we're saying is that in life you have to play the odds.  You have to use your senses and your brain to be aware of the world around you and to be able to discern probabilities and possible danger.

Our present  Dark Age has gotten so PC stupid that TSA treats 90-year-old White women getting on a plane the same as  20's something dusky guys with beards and shifty eyes.  That's just nuts, and it's done so we don't "profile" anyone, mostly based on race or ethnicity.

And, "profiling," that is, as we naturally use it in our everyday lives--if we haven't yet had our brains pithed by the conditioning of society to not do it and to instead override our sense of danger; our gut feelings--is simply the automatic processes of our brain taking measurements of the things around us and using subconscious inductive and deductive reasoning to help us survive. 

That's why we have our five senses. They exist to help us survive.  But, in our present Dark Age, we are told to not believe our senses and to not profile. We are told to override that gut feeling.  And, the establishment and the press are trying to help with that conditioning by hiding facts from the public. That's why you see non-White rioters at malls only described as "teens," or "youth," and why many violent criminals aren't described at all.

Look at it this way. Not every shark is going to bite you, but you still are bright enough to know that you're more likely to be bitten by a shark than a flounder. 

Would you tell your kids that they shouldn't profile fish and just jump in the water with sharks nearby?  Yes, Good Whites, I know we can't be that clear with human beings, but the principle is the same to a lesser or greater degree depending on many surrounding circumstances.

The point of this column is simply to say that you shouldn't let yourself be conditioned by the establishment or the press so that you walk into danger that might otherwise be avoided.  It's about survival. Trust your eyes and your other senses and trust that gut feeling--it's your brain telling you something. Get into the habit of consciously profiling.  It may save your life.
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