Friday, January 22, 2010


“It’s horrifying to imagine kids being proud to be white [sic].”
— Newsweek, Sept. 14, 2009

Getting tired of anti-White bigotry? The American Third Position Party (mentioned before in the CM PRESS) wants it to end. Link

As far as we can tell, it appears that the A3P is patterning itself on similar rightist parties in Europe and the BNP in the U.K.

The CM PRESS has long held that the U.S. would be better off and people would be better represented if we had a whole host of third parties that actually started getting people elected who would champion various interests.

As it is now, the Democrats and Republicans pretty much both have to play to the masses clustered under the center of the Bell Curve if they hope to be successful. This makes them two sides of the same coin.

But, under our non-parlimentary system of government it's always difficult for any third parties to gain any real traction. What usually happens is that such parties will pop up to promote a presidential candidate and will then dissappear into the woodwork when their candidate doesn't get elected.

In our view, a third party should build from the bottom up and develop a deep back bench that will allow the party to come up with good candidates.

In some of the third parties we've looked at, there doesn't seem to be much effort to build from the bottom up, and some of the candidates they run are often so peculiar that they get very few votes.

Maybe the A3P will be different. Time will tell.
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Of course it's morally wrong. Life is a process that begins in our species at the very instant that 23 human male chromosomes join with 23 human female chromosomes. At that moment, the process of creation takes place and life begins.

That life has a natural right to continue on its trajectory simply because it has begun. If all goes well, nine months later a fully formed human being emerges. But, even before it emerges, it is still a human life.
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May be a joke, but anti-White bigots already starting to complain.

The bigger issue is why not?

Why must everything be multi-culti and multi-racial?

But, of course, you've probably noticed that everything really doesn't have to be multi-culti and multi-racial--only Whites have to have every grouping or thing they're involved in look like the Star Wars Bar.
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The answer is Yes.

White Americans are starting to shake the self-loathing and are starting to stand up for themselves and their interests.

They're getting tired of paying for everything and getting little in return except high crime rates and social dysfunction and then being called names and being told to go to the rear of the bus so non-whites can get free seats in the front.

The pendulum is swinging back to common sense.
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Yesterday, in CM PRESS # 21, the CM PRESS wrote that in our opinion Costa Mesa spends too much time, money and effort in paving streets and too little time, money and effort in removing slums. In fact, Costa Mesa is doing none of the latter.

Go figure. Today, in the Daily Pilot there's an article about Costa Mesa wanting more money to...pave streets. LINK

Yes sir, we need well paved streets in front of those illegal alien drop houses and slum buildings.
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Those are our opinions. Thanks for reading them.

1 comment:

  1. White basketball team, hell yeah. I don't like sports but I'd go see that. Why not?

    I never had the self loathing white mentality. I'm proud of my heritage and who I am. I treat all people with dignity and respect. None of my family owned slaves or even considered it.

    I hear all these illegals say we built this country. So did MY family. MY grandparents came through Ellis Island and worked their butts off to have a decent life.

    The pendumlum is swinging back to common sense and I couldn't be more thrilled.

    Now our City Council needs a dose of common sense as well. You're right about the CM slum areas. I see more and more homeless people here daily, most of them aren't even from here. They come to Costa Mesa as this city is a magnet for illegals and every social program imaginable.

    How about a soup kitchen in Newport Beach? That will never happen. But the limousine liberals in Newport Beach think it's perfectly fine to have those types of venues only if it's not in their back yard. Hypocrites.
