Tuesday, July 27, 2010

CM PRESS # 207

Mexican Officials Upset At Another Attack on an Hispanic on Staten Island
Read the above story. Did you notice anything missing?

We'll tell you what it is. It was the race/ethnicity of the attackers.

Another report on the same incident (HERE) gives you the missing information. All the attackers were Black.

We bet you thought the attackers were White. If you did think that, you can be excused for jumping to that conclusion. It's just your conditioning--your Pavlovian reaction. Society has you conditioned to believe the worst about Whites and the best about Blacks and other non-Whites.
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Top Schools in Chicago Getting Whiter
The rules changed recently to stop the artificial caps on admitting White students based on their race.
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Florida Church to Host 'Burn a Koran Day,' On Sept. 11
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That seems to be the case in Mexico where politics seem to be decided more and more with bullets instead of ballots.
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Low Tech Space Aliens Throwing Rocks At This Guy's House?
Geez, is that the best they can do? Where are the ray guns?
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Three Arrested in Gang Killing in Santa Ana
Santa Ana needs some law and order types in local government.
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Anti-White Bigots Don't Want A White Guy As Mayor of Santa Ana

After a White guy named Charles Hart said he was running for mayor of Santa Ana (HERE), and opined that he can remember when Santa Ana was a nicer place, some of the usual anti-White bigots crawled out from under their rocks to praise Santa Ana just as it is today.

Some of the bigots even expressed outrage that Hart might have meant that Santa Ana was nicer back before it became a sanctuary city for illegal aliens.

Bigots are, by definition, stupid. And the anti-White bigots fit the definition.

Look, even someone with a 75 I.Q. should be able to read the newspaper and see the almost nightly shootings and violent crime in Santa Ana and should be able to read that Santa Ana has the worst student scores in Orange County in some of its schools and that its home values are very low, etc.

How many examples does it take to convince people that their present system isn't working and that their politicians who shake their hands and smile, aren't doing the job? How many more kids have to be killed before people realize that a change is needed in Santa Ana?

And, the change that is needed is not well paved streets or pretty medians or other fluff.

The change that is needed is that Santa Ana has to start cracking down on crime and other social problems instead of just looking the other way. It has to stop believing that allowing the city to rot is somehow ethnically appropriate and respectful of Hispanic culture and sensitivities.
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House Slaves
The Tea Party Remains Captive to PC
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Israel Demolishes Bedouin Village
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Illegal Aliens Now Don't Want Cops To Use Their Fingerprints
It's almost getting to the absurd point where the only way an illegal alien can be arrested and deported is for a cop to actually witness the illegal alien murdering someone.
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1 comment:

  1. Mexican Officials Upset At Another Attack on an Hispanic on Staten Island

    You provided the wrong link.

