Thursday, August 21, 2008

CM PRESS # 462


Mesa Verde Community, Inc. is presenting a Costa Mesa City Council candidates' forum tonight, Thursday, August 21, 2008 at the Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Ave. Costa Mesa (Airplane Park). The event is open to all citizens of Costa Mesa.

The reception begins at 6:00 PM and the forum itself starts at 7:00 PM.

The moderator will be Jay Humphrey.

The CM PRESS liked what Humphrey told the almost daily Daily Pilot about trying to get specific answers from the candidates. LINK

We'll see if he is able to do that.

A good moderator knows how to quickly ask a question and get out of the way instead of wasting a lot of useless words in grandstanding while asking the question. We'll have to wait to see how Humphrey does in this regard.

You'll hear the CM PRESS gagging in the rear of the room if even one candidate:

1. Gushes "That's a great question," and then gives some lousy Ms. America answer about seeking world peace instead of being specific.

2. Says "There's no 'I' in team," or uses other hackneyed and canned expressions.

3. Indicates that he or she wants to get along with everyone on the dais and wants to end arguments.

And, we'll also gag if one of the newbie and totally unknown candidates, who has never done anything in the city and who has never even spoken at a City Council meeting, tells the audience that he wants to be elected to (fill in the blank): represent or listen to or speak for the people and offers no ideas about what he specifically wants to do.

If this happens, you may hear the CM PRESS yell: Get off the stage you lousy bum, who the hell needs you, you friggin' pompous nobody! Represent this!

Also eliciting a gag reflex will be any blue haired canine versions of cat ladies who show up and waste too much time with cutesy pie questions about the barking dog ordinance or who refer to their dogs as their "children." It'll be a double gag if they actually bring their dogs with them.

We'll analyze the event and candidates in a new issue of the CM PRESS either later tonight or in the morning. Check back.

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Those are our opinions. Thanks for reading them.