Friday, May 30, 2008

CM PRESS # 376

(photo of Pacific Blvd., Huntington Park)

Joseph Serna, who writes for the Return to Reason Daily Pilot, writes on his blog about an illegal alien named Luis Adan Ramirez, who was just sentenced to prison for 15 years for killing a man in a drunken driving collision.

A reader had apparently taken Serna to task for not giving the immigration status of Ramirez in an earlier report of the incident by Serna that appeared in the Return to Reason Daily Pilot.

Showing his true colors, Serna tells readers that he doesn't think the immigration status of Ramirez matters and he asks readers: "Why does Ramirez’s immigration status matter?"

Here's why it matters.

The person killed by drunk driving, illegal alien Ramirez would still be alive if Ramirez hadn't been in this country where he shouldn't have been. It's no more complicated than that.

The unspoken attitude of those who think like Serna is: "Hey, accidents happen. Why, citizens crash into each other all day long. What's the difference if this guy is illegal or not?
What's the big deal with this accident?"

The big deal is that this accident would not have happened if Ramirez were not in the picture; and an innocent man would still be alive today.

Yes, we have citizen on citizen accidents, but why should we put up with such things caused by people who shouldn't even be here? Such accidents with illegal aliens are preventable. Just deport them. Let them drive drunk in their own countries and kill their own citizens.

And, why wasn't Ramirez sent back to his own country? He had two prior DUI's before he killed this man.

Had Ramirez been stopped at the border or deported once he got here, he would not have been on that street driving drunk at exactly the same time as the man he killed, and that man would be alive today.

Those who are trying to turn all of Costa Mesa into an illegal alien sanctuary city and to make the Westside into a new Huntington Park want citizens to consider illegal aliens as just the neighbors next door. That's the attitude we see being reflected by Serna and by the Return to Reason Daily Pilot.

Remember back during the Westside Revitalization meetings how the lefties and the Tan Klan kept trying to include illegal aliens as legitimate members of the community by calling them "stakeholders"?

And, remember how illegal aliens and their pals wanted to make the Westside into a new Huntington Park and how they spoke with a gleam in their eyes about W. 19th Street and Placentia Avenue being transformed into a new Pacific Boulevard (the main drag through Huntington Park)?

Citizens rejected that vision, but the Tan Klan is still at it.


The Tan Klan and their shills are still at it in Costa Mesa.

They hate European-Americans and want to chase you out of Costa Mesa--starting with the Westside. That's why they don't want the industrial area on the Westside Bluffs reduced in size.

That's their primary defense against the area becoming as nice as other coastal communities.

That's why they don't want executive homes built on the Westside Bluffs. That's why they want a new job center on the Westside. That's why they want all the charities over there. That's why they don't want the cops to take illegal aliens to the ICE agent.

That's why they don't want the slums thinned out. They're terrified that the area will improve.
They're afraid that the Westside will become gentrified.

Folks, before you think that Huntington Park and its Pacific Boulevard are good models for Costa Mesa, visit the place.

Is that what we want to turn Costa Mesa into? Huntington Park is Santa Ana on steroids.

We have our own Pacific here in Costa Mesa--the Pacific Ocean. Costa Mesa is not a sanctuary, landlocked, inner city such as Huntington Park. Costa Mesa is a coastal Orange County city, and because of this, it makes no sense to let it become an inner city.

The fact that Costa Mesa, today, has diverged so much from its traditional position of being the slightly less pretty sister of Newport Beach is not the natural state of affairs for our city.

Our downscale conditions are artificial. Those trying to keep Costa Mesa down are like those who try to hold back the ocean with a little wall of sand. The ocean of change is coming to Costa Mesa, dear friends, and it will pick up speed with your help.

Costa Mesa is going to find its natural level, once the artificial things that are keeping it down are removed.

And, as we've been writing for several years, the key to improving all of Costa Mesa is the Westside. Improve the Westside and the whole city will improve.

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The brown racists didn't like it when I was on the 3R Committee helping decide which charities got our tax money.

Do you know why?

It's because I wanted the Committee to not fund charities that discriminate based on race or ethnicity.

I tried to get the Committee to adopt President Kennedy's dictum against discrimination in the awarding of our money to charities:

"Simple justice requires that public funds, to which all taxpayers of all races [colors, and national origins] contribute, not be spent in any fashion which encourages, entrenches, subsidizes or results in racial [color or national origin] discrimination."

Why did the brown racists not want that fair statement used in giving out our tax money?

It's because they know that our tax money is now going to charities that do discriminate and which also give citizen money to illegal aliens.

If you like the crime, the gangs, the graffiti, the abandoned shopping carts, the drunk driving illegal aliens, the slums, the failing schools, the discrimination against European-Americans, then do nothing.

If, on the other hand, you want a nice, safe American city where you can raise your family and live the American dream, then you need to support political candidates who also want Costa Mesa to be the great coastal city it can be.

You need to support candidates who will not discriminate against you because of the color of your skin.
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Don't forget that you can find my essays on everything from genetics to sub-atomic particles all over the internet.
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Those are our opinions. Thanks for reading them.