Tuesday, May 6, 2008

CM PRESS # 355


Yes, dear friends, your City Council--the people who work for you--will be handing out more of YOUR money to charities tonight at the City Council meeting. LINK
Alternate LINK.

Of Course, if you're a White U.S. citizen you may not be able to get any return on your money because some of the charities don't want to serve you.

That's because you're the WRONG COLOR! And, you're a citizen of THE WRONG COUNTRY! Go to the back of the bus. Use that separate drinking fountain. Comprende?

Here are a few facts:

1. This money that is given to the non-profits belongs to the citizens. It is your money!

2. The 3R committee that makes recommendations on giving your money away has a fiduciary responsibility to make sure the money is spent in the proper ways and for the benefit of the citizens of this city. Some (but not all) members of the 3R Committee seem to act more like lap dogs than junk yard dogs in protecting our money.

3. Many of the non-profits just expect a rubber stamp approval of their requests.

4. Some of the non-profit leaders make more than $ 200,000 per year. They have a vested interest in growing their charity businesses by bringing in more and more people to use their services. Illegal aliens often fill the bill very nicely.

Many of the non-profits do not look like Costa Mesa but appear, statistically, to racially/ethnically discriminate against White citizens. At least one non-profit usually shows that 100% of its "clients" are Hispanic, in a city that is only about 30% Hispanic. Several others show that more than 95% of their clients are Hispanic.

John F. Kennedy
nailed it when he said "Simple justice requires that public funds, to which all taxpayers of all races [colors, and national origins] contribute, not be spent in any fashion which encourages, entrenches, subsidizes or results in racial [color or national origin] discrimination."

Some of the non-profits violate this principal, so well stated by JFK, and seem to be engaging in practices that do, in fact, encourage, entrench, and subsidize such discrimination, yet the City Council keeps giving these non-profits our money year in and year out.

We have in our files (and we've repeatedly offered copies to the Return to Reason Daily Pilot--but they didn't take us up on our offers), a copy of a
Federal Consent Decree against a non-profit in Costa Mesa that actually told a young teen White girl that she was the wrong color to use their services and that they only wanted to serve Latinas [including, presumably, illegal alien Latinas]. They then denied this girl services paid for by taxpaying U.S. citizens.

This particular non-profit apparently thought it was clever in the way it discriminated. It said that everyone of every race/ethnicity could submit applications for their services. The problem was that they wouldn't accept anyone except Latinas. They got caught because they sent an email telling the White girl that she was the wrong color. They apparently thought that would cause her to just go away silently. Big mistake.

A Federal Consent Decree is a very serious document. If an organization receiving public funds is shown to be discriminating (as was the case of the non-profit mentioned above) and refuses to sign the Consent Decree which has a list of steps the organization must take to end the discrimination, the next step is serious legal action and possible Civil Rights law suits.

Year after year, the CM PRESS has been asking the City Council to adopt JFK's dictum on non-discrimination in the use of YOUR money and year after year the City Council just ignores us.

In the information given out to the public tonight about this cash giveaway, you probably won't see the required HUD reports giving the breakdown of race and ethnicity of the charities.

Folks, these HUD reports are required by the feds to root out sneaky racial and ethnic discrimination, yet the City of Costa Mesa tries to hide this data from the citizens of this city. This is public information and you have a right to see it. Why is it being hidden from you? Hmmmmm?

Why isn't the City of Costa Mesa insisting that charities that receive your money, serve people who look just like you?

If you want to end racial discrimination in Costa Mesa, let the City Council know your feelings. If you can't attend the meeting tonight, you can email your comments to the City Council at: CAgenda@ci.costa-mesa.ca.us Here's the link to the City's website for live email addresses:http://www.ci.costa-mesa.ca.us/contact/email.htm

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Those are our opinions. Thanks for reading them.
