Wednesday, January 23, 2008

CM PRESS # 282

“When our kids left Adams they left with an education in diversity and tolerance.” LINK

So writes a poster on the Daily Pilot blog in defense of Adams Elementary School and its low student test scores.

Reading, writing and arithmetic apparently don't matter.

Students should learn diversity and tolerance. That's what's important.

In a few years, when you fly out of John Wayne International Airport, which will have grown to the size of Los Angeles International Airport, will you have a pilot whose schooling was in diversity and tolerance and who went through a system that believes test scores (even on pilot exams), should take a back seat to diversity and tolerance?


Tower: Flight 92, you're cleared for takeoff on runway...

Pilot: Tower, this is Flight 92. There was no smile in your voice and you didn't say 'please.' Also,we're not ready to take off yet. We're having a group hug with the stakeholders on the plane to celebrate our diversity and then we're going to try to reach consensus about when we're going to take off. We don't need your intolerant attitude.

Right now, we're working through our differences in a loving way. Some of the stakeholders want kosher food, others want halal. We also have some vegans who want assurances that no vegetables were touched with utensils that touched meat. Others are upset that there is liquor on the plane. Some don't want us to take off during their prayers. Some want separate seating areas for men and women. Some want to have gay only restrooms. Others want separate restrooms for transsexuals.

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The Daily Pilot has suddenly switched to a registration system for its blog.

If you want to post comments about what you see in the paper, you'll have to give the DP your name, address, email address and even your age. DNA samples come next.

If the CM PRESS is right, we'll now see traffic to the DP site drop and comments will mostly follow the Return to Reason line.

One local dimwit will also soon find fewer people reading his low I.Q. rants against improving Costa Mesa.

If traffic does in fact drop, advertisers may reconsider their ad buys. If ad revenue drops, Sam Zell may take notice. You know what happens next. Zell is a quick stepper.

The Daily Pilot may soon hear the roar of Zell's Harley and see him riding up with the rest of the Hells Managers gang--a rough and tumble, take no prisoners bunch if I ever saw one. Oh no, he may have the Teutuls with him!
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Those are our opinions. Thanks for reading them.