Friday, January 11, 2008

CM PRESS # 271


Not only does Banning Ranch, west of Costa Mesa, want to be annexed to Newport Beach, but neighborhoods on our east also want to be annexed to Newport.

The fat cats, including some out of town industrialists, some charity bosses, and others who have been making money off downscale conditions in Costa Mesa, along with some of their nitwit shills, will try to tell you this has nothing to do with the fact that Costa Mesa has allowed a massive 14% of its land to be used for industrial purposes including 60 acres of the best land in our city--the Westside Bluffs, that blend seamlessly into Banning Ranch.

And, they'll try to tell you that the way to improve the Westside is to do nothing. Just wish really hard. "Keep the government out of it," they'll tell you. "Why, it's un-American for the government to blah, blah, blah, blah."

Actually, folks, we are the government. You and I are the bosses of government.

And, while this concept gets lost when we talk about larger government entities; local municipal government is government that can and should work for us.

If it doesn't, then we need to elect more of our local citizens to the City Council who don't want to be politicians, but who are compelled to run for office because those who have been elected have forgotten why they were elected and have been assimilated by the fat cats

When Banning Ranch goes to Newport Beach, how will the new Newporters, who will buy homes that will be built there, get out of their upscale neighborhoods?

Many, if not all of them, will come up West 17th Street through Costa Mesa. It will be Costa Mesa citizens who will pay to improve and maintain West 17th and surrounding streets for the benefit of the Newporters.

Think that won't happen? Think again. Costa Mesans already pay to maintain and improve that part of West 19th Street that leads to the Newport Beach neighborhood of Newport Terrace at the end of West 19th Street and which can only be accessed through Costa Mesa.

Here's a LINK to the latest Daily Pilot article about Banning Ranch.
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Those are our opinions. Thanks for reading them.