Monday, December 8, 2008

CM PRESS # 548

(Photo of Domenico Annibali, (1705-1779) a castrato)

New research points to pollution as the cause of why some men are sterile. LINK

Living under the flight path of JWA can't be good if you want to avoid pollution.

But let us now be specific and learn of bigger truths by speaking of a very small creature who claims to be a man. Yes, we shall now consider the sad case of the Lonely Old Man as though he is a real person living in our city. Of course, if you are a long time reader, you already know that he is not a real person at all. He is fiction.

Let us speculate. Can pollution--possibly from airplanes--explain the Lonely Old Man,or was this lifeless,hapless and effete character just born without the right equipment or hormones--a castrato and eunuch from birth?

No sooner do we ask the question than do we reply that pollution can't be the cause of the Lonely Old Man being a dried up husk. And, fear no contagion, dear friends. The Lonely Old Man can't spread his condition in its fleshly components, but can only spew the hatred that is the result of his condition. And, when he does so, try to contain your laughter when he drools his hatred from his flaccid lips. He is to be pitied by the kind of heart. He is also something to scrape off the bottom of your shoe.

It seems likely that nature neutered the Lonely Old Man at the same time she gave him a deficient brain. After all, pollution doesn't account for the flabby, soft, overly-pale, eunuch-like flesh and the less than masculine voice.

We figure one of the reasons that this sad character never speaks at public meetings and hides in the shadows is because he doesn't want anyone to hear his sissy voice that is a dead giveaway that he lacks gonads. That, and the fact that he's a coward--but that goes with the lack of virility. The sap didn't rise, as we say in the Northwoods.

We suspect that the Lonely Old Man doesn't even have to shave.

Now, we know we should be kind to people who are just born a certain way, and generally we are, to a fault. But our fictional Lonely Old Man is so nasty and full of hate, that sometimes it's necessary to not just sit back and listen as this churl tries to be an important person all the while failing as he has with everything else in his life. He just can't perform. He has life-force dysfunction. And, there are no pills to cure it.

The Lonely Old Man serves us as both a metaphor for extinction and as an archetype for the fall of civilizations. He represents that which is putrid, decrepit and rotting. He, in his person, illustrates the symptom and the disease. He is as the Romans were before the fall.

A weak mind in a weak body describes him.

Nature generally says "Go forth and multiply." In this guy's case she said "Go forth and subtract." From two shall come zero.

But the Lonely Old Man gives us an example of deeper things and about the meaning of it all and is thus worth considering as a parable.

There is much more to existence than the here and now, and the latest wine and cheese party with the lefties in our little corner of the world--Costa Mesa. Some people, such as the Lonely Old Man, don't have the intelligence to understand this. But understand it or not, it is reality that we are all just here for an eyeblink and then we're gone.

Life is like baking soda and vinegar. The fizz doesn't last long before the chemical reaction stops. And, in the case of the Lonely Old Man, the fizz never really started.

We think the Lonely Old Man, in his few cogent moments, may realize his mortality and he has become increasingly bitter with each passing year.

As with others of his type, the Lonely Old Man lacks the things of life. He has no imagination, no creativity and no vitality. Life is not within him. What he writes is obvious and derivative. There is no spark and no originality. There is no verve, no joy of existence, no vitality, no energy. He's old and he's tired and he may have been thus since birth.

The ways of nature are clear to those with the eyes to see. And what such eyes see is that the Lonely Old Man is extinction walking. He is a dead end. Natural selection has not asked him to dance.

Consider the Mayfly as one example of what nature tells us. In some species of this insect its adult life span is just thirty minutes while in others it's a full day. In most cases, it doesn't even have a proper digestive system. It doesn't need it because it doesn't live long enough to eat. Its purpose as an adult is to reproduce--to make more like itself--to pass on its genotype and phenotype so there will be more just like it in the next generation.

That's also the purpose of all living things: make more like yourself. Pass on your genotype and phenotype. Everything else is just window dressing. The purpose of life is to make more life.

When we speak of survival of the fittest, we must look at each generation to see who has survived. Those who survive are the fittest.

The Lonely Old Man has no children and will have no children. By definition this means he is not the fittest. He will be missing from the next generation. He is the last of his line.

But, dear friends, as we said before, the Lonely Old Man is just a fictional character. Still, fictional or not, he presents a parable about life for those who understand.

When those such as the lonely old man speak of doing this or that for the sake of the future, we wonder if they understand in any part of their dim brains that they have no future. The future is completely without them. They are missing. We do not go into the future with words that we write or speak or with things we build. These do not contain us.

There is only one way to go into the future. The Mayflies understand.

There is more life in one wing of one Mayfly who will live 30 minutes as an adult than in the entire body of the Lonely Old Man who has been taking up space with his oafish and lifeless presence all these sad years of his living dead existence.

If you have a choice, do not be as the Lonely Old Man. Be a higher life form. Be as the Mayflies. Make life.
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BREAKING NEWS--Monday, December 8, 2008, 2:45 PM
Are you listening Costa Mesa City Council? Costa Mesa can do the same thing under this new law. LINK
May still go forward with buying the OC REGISTER. Will almost daily Daily Pilot be affected?
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Those are our opinions. Thanks for reading them.