Friday, July 22, 2016

CM PRESS # 472


Video (2:46 min.)
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Video (6:23 min.)
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This article has a photo of some beautiful White Polish children.  Look at the wonderful diversity: We have blond hair, brown hair, blue eyes, hazel eyes, grey eyes, green eyes, etc.  Love this kind of diversity.
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Video (11:42 min.)
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Here's this column again, for the fourth time, in case you missed it.

Gene Wars and Gene Struggles are other names for Natural Selection--they are fundamental aspects of the evolution of all living organisms.


 H. Millard  (c) 2016 All rights reserved.
If one doesn’t understand that Whites, as well as all other humans and all other living organisms that we know about, are in eternal gene wars, then one doesn’t understand anything about life, existence, evolution, improvement, survival, and the expansion of Whites as a distinct and separate people.
The concept of  and knowledge about the eternal gene wars is fundamental to the beliefs of some of us and is essential to our ethics, our moral codes, our world views, our religious beliefs, and the way we live our lives in harmony with the ways of existence.
The eternal gene wars are completely natural and automatic and are an essential part of evolution as nature determines the best genes to dominate and thrive in all possible niches that can support life.  There is no favoritism or free rides, and the process is never ending. One either wins the gene wars or one loses.  There is no mercy and no quarter given.
When you hear someone say that they wish the whole world could be at peace and with no conflict, you know that you are hearing from someone who doesn’t understand the ways of existence.  There never was and never will be a world without conflict.
Conflict is an inherent part of movement and movement is an inherent part of existence. What exists moves; either externally, or internally, or both.  It is true at the quantum scale of existence and it is true at our human scale of existence. (Our human scale of existence emerges from the quantum scale.)
Movement causes conflict–what exists bumps up against other things in existence and two objects  can’t occupy the same space. One object wins the space against the other and/or is dominant.  The eternal gene wars are simply a continuation of the conflicts that are a necessary part of existence. Genes vie for survival and dominance against other genes. That is, each gene wants to occupy and dominate a space and replace other genes that do the same thing as it does in that space.
When your parents conceived you, there was a gene war going on. Millions of spermatozoa struggled with each other and raced to fertilize an egg in a cluster of eggs. The eggs struggled against each other to be the one fertilized. Once one spermatozoon and one egg won the race, a new battle raged inside the egg as the genes for various characteristics of the winning spermatozoon struggled to be dominant over the genes of the winning egg for the same characteristics. If both parents were White, the gene wars were fairly benign, because both parents had the same basic White genome. Nevertheless, fairly benign or not, the gene wars continued.  As you look in the mirror you see which genes won the battles for your various features.  Do you look more like your mother or your father? Do you, say, have your mother’s eyes, but your father’s chin? Or, maybe you have some of your grandparents’ features.  Whichever features and characteristics you ended up with came down your ancestral line.  You didn’t come from nothing–the DNA blueprint that made you is from the various matings of your parents and your ancestors.
And, while the eternal gene wars  go on whether we are aware of them or not, some of us believe that Whites have reached the stage of existence where it is in our own best interests to consciously steer our kind in the right direction for us.  We believe that we have  reached a threshold and that we must now consciously and intentionally choose to cross it and take the narrow path to full specieshood by all definitions of the term or that we may be pulled down and blended back into the masses of humanity from which we branched off not too many thousands of years ago.
As Frederich Nietzsche wrote: “Man is something that shall be overcome.Man is a rope,tied between beast and overman - a rope over an abyss.What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end.”-- Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
We also believe that not all Whites will make it across the threshold and that many millions will, for one reason or another, no longer be part of our people and will go extinct.  Indeed, there are many right now who have already left our people in their minds and soon their flesh will follow. Their genes and their family lines will no longer exist as part of our people. We cannot always know who is in that camp and who is not.  Some may simply not have learned the truth of the eternal gene wars and we believe that we are duty bound to try to gently expose them to the truth so that they may awaken and save themselves.  However, if, once exposed to the truth, they then fail to heed it, they are to be left alone because they show thereby that they are not our kind inside. 
We are confident that  some type of humans will continue on into the future, and we want to make sure it is our kind.  We are not concerned with other kinds of humans and are indifferent to them and believe in non-interference in their lives. They, like us, are responsible for themselves and must live or die on their own. We harm them in many ways by interfering in their lives and must not do this. They are not our responsibility--we are not their masters to tell them how to live--and we do not believe in pathological altruism. We do not believe in being Great White Mothers and Great White Fathers. Such Whites can't help but harm other peoples psychologically and cause them to lose self-respect and self-confidence and resent all Whites.
The greatest danger to Whites in the eternal gene wars comes from other humans who can mate with us and who can produce viable children with us. This kills the White genome.
Francis Crick put it this way: "Living organisms must necessarily compete, for food, for mates and for living space, especially with other members of their own species [i.e. those they can breed with]. They must avoid predators and other dangers. For all these various reasons, some will leave more offspring than others, and it is the genetic characteristics of such preferred replicators which will be passed on preferentially to succeeding generations. This is the essence of natural selection." -- Francis Crick (Nobel laureate and co-discoverer of the shape of DNA) 
A Selected People
"[T]he varieties of mankind are so different that similar differences found in any other animals would warrant their classification in different species, if not in different genera." --Charles Darwin
Some of us believe that Whites are a selected people--selected to be a moral and ethiclal people and to help make the world a better place through us. You can read this as being the product of natural selection or Divine selection. The result is the same in either case. We are a different people and we must remain different and not blend in with other kinds of humans if we are to remain a distinct people.  Of course, in an evolutionary sense, all types of humans have been selected for the niches in which they thrive.
Some of us believe that Whites have a heavy responsibility to go against what far too many humans want and which they preach in our present Dark Age. If we are to retain our identity and stay on what some of us believe is the path that is best for us and for the planet, we must remain separate in all possible ways.  
Our selection does not make us better than or superior to other types of humans, and awakened Whites will be the first to say that we are very imperfect. We often ask: Who is better and superior, a race horse or a plow horse? The answer is that it depends on its purpose.  Even though we are not perfect, we try to improve ourselves. By being consciously good and righteous people and by respecting all life, a little light is shined on the world through our goodness--but, remember, we are not to interfere in the lives and ways of those unlike us. They have different paths than us. We are not to try to make them like us. Our selection thus just gives us special laws and rules that we are commanded to obey that other types of humans don’t have to obey.  
It would be easier for us if we didn’t have the commands to stay separate and not blend ourselves into the masses. Then, we could just throw abandon to the wind and do whatever we felt like doing at any moment with anyone.  But, that is not for us. We believe that we have a different path and a  purpose in our lives that  requires that we follow our laws and rules that are for ourselves alone and for no others. We believe that through our good actions, the world will be made better and holier just as a light brightens a dark room.
Look at the good we have done on this planet.  We have improved the Earth through us and we have done this with our culture and our inventions and discoveries.  We are the artists, the inventors, the engineers, the scientists, the thinkers.  This is what we do.  We are born to it. Our DNA Code is preprogrammed this way and we live our programs and build and do as we are programmed, as surely as each type of bird builds its own particular type of nest as a result of its genetic program. 
 The struggle for existence is not a game, although humans unconsciously reflect this struggle in our sports events. The struggle for existence is a war of the genes between genes within us and between individuals of different types who can breed with each other and produce children. Know it and live it. The eternal gene wars are not something to be feared, and once one is aware of them, life can have purpose and meaning and be much happier for those who understand why many things are the way they are–and especially relating to the so-called human condition.
Nature doesn’t give any free rides to any organisms.  Struggle to win or you will be replaced.  That is the law.
If you want to win the gene wars, live consciously,  live right, have as many White children as possible, stay as separate from other kinds as possible while remaining respectful and polite towards all peoples. Let them be as they are and you be as you are. There is a higher power that will help you, and you can call it the First Cause, the creative principle, God, the Field, the quantum or by many other names, but it underlies our human scale of existence, and all of  existence has emerged from it as a tree emerges from a seed. You can believe this is in a religious or a scientific/secular way, but either way, it is a reality and if you live right, it will help you on the White path to a happier more purposeful life and will help you move ever higher.
To be clear, some of us believe that we are commanded to be as we are and to do as we must by God, while others believe it is just part of the ways of existence.
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