Wednesday, November 12, 2008

CM PRESS # 532


Dear Governor Schwarzenegger:

It takes a special type of person to get elected to any political office and still be able to remain an outsider and not get involved in the minor details of the office and be pulled in the wrong direction by all the mumbling tiny people who show up as experts to give advice.

I once thought you were that kind of person. A new Alexander who didn't waste his time trying to untie the Gordian Knot, but who just pulled out his sword and slashed it. Problem solved.

Over the past few years though, it seems you've become one of the mumbling tiny people and part of the problem.

Look, this isn't difficult. California has a budget deficit because we're paying out too much in thousands of ways for illegal aliens and we have legislators who are obstructionists to having a balanced budget.

It's time to stop trying to untie the knot a thread at a time--this is a fool's errand--and time to just cut it. New taxes are not needed.

Try talking to Tom McClintock for some ideas. [LINK]
