Saturday, April 21, 2007



The Daily Pilot is carrying Katrina Foley and Linda Dixon's views on the gang related shooting that we reported in Issue # 121.

Dixon (she of the Lily-White fame) told the Pilot that the shooting "illustrates the need for us to get in to the schools and to work with young children to make certain they realize there is an alternative to becoming a gang member."

Dixon's pal, Katrina Foley took a similar tack. Here's the link to the Pilot:

Such thinking is partly based on an unspoken and incorrect assumption that Costa Mesa is Mayberry, RFD, and little Johnny Jones, who lives down the street with his family that has lived in Mayberry for generations, is going wrong. This being the case, we should all try to put him on the straight and narrow.

That's not the situation in Costa Mesa.

Our gangs are mainly composed of transient illegal aliens and the children of illegal aliens who have come to Costa Mesa precisely because we have people who want to mother and take care of them and who give them all sorts of freebies to stay here.

These gang members live in the very few slums we have in Costa Mesa. Most of their crimes are committed intra and inter slum, but they're branching out and infecting other parts of the city. And, when they shoot at each other, bullets may hit innocent people.


The City Council should ask the CMPD for the following information and make it public so that even the most apathetic citizens can see a little of the reality of the gang and crime problems in Costa Mesa and so they won't keep saying stupid things such as we hear from Foley and Dixon:

1. What gang do they belong to?
2. Where is their turf?
3. Where do the individual gang members live?
4. What schools do they attend?
5. Are they or their parents illegal aliens?
6. How long have they lived in Costa Mesa?
7. Do they or any family members use various charity services in Costa Mesa? If so, which ones?
8. Where do they or their family members work?
9. What is their race/ethnicity?

More questions could be posed, but answers to the above nine questions will, we believe, offer strong evidence of what the CM PRESS has been saying for years: Our gang and crime and social dysfunction problems have a nexus with this city being turned into an illegal alien sanctuary.

The way to solve our problems is to make our city illegal alien unfriendly.

How do we do that?

The most important thing our city leaders can do is tear down or thin out the slums and encourage the building of homes for upwardly mobile people on the Westside bluffs.

We've said it a thousand times before, but that's the only way we're going to truly improve this city and end the ever increasing levels of violent street crimes that are chasing good, decent citizens away from Costa Mesa.

If the above isn't done, get ready for Costa Mesa to fall to inner city levels even though it should be a nice coastal community.
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Re: Your call to tear down the slums

That is the answer...however much it costs, however long it takes, whoever we disappoint, whoever has to doesn't matter!

Get rid of the slums and you get rid of the problem.

It's only going to get worse with the zillions of Hispanics coming across the border and being born to 15 year old girls that are already here.

Name Withheld by CM PRESS
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Those are our opinions. Thanks for reading them.