Thursday, January 4, 2007



Join Leave Our Criminals Alone

The habitats of criminals and gangs in Costa Mesa are being threatened by encroaching upscale homes and citizens demanding improvement. This is damaging the fragile slum ecosystem that we liberals have built up over the last two decades.

If something is not done, gangs and criminals will disappear from Costa Mesa!

Won't you please join with LOCA to help us stop this destruction of the slum ecosystem which allows so many of us liberals involved with the charities to live in the finest homes in the safest neighborhoods far from the charities and slums?

As you probably know, upscale homes have now been built on Harbor Blvd. near the golf course. These upscale homes are sure to attract more upwardly mobile people to Costa Mesa and their presence will raise the demographics so that more upscale stores might seek to locate here. This, in turn, may attract even more upscale citizens.

This is a horrible upward spiral that may eventually destroy our habitats for criminals and gangs. Act now to stop this horror!

Yes, dear friends, unless something is done--like opening more charities and having more charity programs, opening a new job center, doing everything possible to save barracks style apartment buildings, and increasing the welcome for a criminal element, the habitat for criminals and gangs will be destroyed in Costa Mesa.

Even now, citizens are clamoring for a thinning out of the Mission-Mendoza slum in Mesa del Mar (near where Katrina Foley lives), the Coolidge-Fillmore slum in Mesa North (not far from where Katrina Foley lives), and the slums on the Westside (on the other side of town from where Katrina Foley lives).

If these habitats for criminals and gangs are destroyed, the criminals and gangs will leave Costa Mesa to find habitats more to their liking. This will be a tremendous loss for Costa Mesans. No more will we have the privilege of paying to have graffiti removed or shopping carts picked up from our streets and we may find that our schools will start showing higher student test scores. We'll have fewer murders, less violent crime, less downscale conditions generally.

This coastalization of Costa Mesa and the turning it into a nice, safe community similar to our coastal neighboring cities must be stopped.

Criminals and gangs live in a fragile ecosystem, and if upscale homes are built nearby, that ecosystem consisting of over crowded barracks style slum apartment buildings (such as those near where Katrina Foley lives, by the way), charity services, and unscrupulous employers who hire illegal aliens off the books will be endangered.

This fragile criminal and gang ecosystem has already been destroyed in coastal cities surrounding Costa Mesa and there are hardly any violent crimes in those cities. This indicates how complete the destruction of the habit for criminals and gangs is in those cities.

Join Leave Our Criminals Alone to help save the habitat of criminals and gangs.

Demand that the City of Costa Mesa do nothing to improve the Westside.
Demand that the City of Costa Mesa keep giving our tax money to charities that mostly serve illegal aliens.
Demand that a new and bigger job center be opened.
Demand that the City of Costa Mesa not thin out the barracks style slum buildings.
Demand that the City of Costa Mesa not allow homes to be built on the Westside bluffs.
Demand that the City of Costa Mesa put out the welcome mat for more criminals.
Demand that the City of Costa Mesa stop allowing upscale homes to be built here.

Yes, LOCA, I've heard your plea and I want to help Costa Mesa stay criminal and gang friendly, please sign me up to:

__Hand out free bags of groceries in the slums.
__Write letters to the local liberal newspaper saying that improving the city is racist.
__Volunteer to be on the 3R Committee to give more tax money to charities.
__Here's my cash donation. I want to be a card carrying LOCA!
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The CM PRESS will continue to report on further activities of LOCA. With their help, we can keep Costa Mesa as slum central!
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The ICE agent stationed at the Costa Mesa jail interviewed 138 people brought to the station between Dec. 4 and Dec. 31. Forty-six of them had detainers put on them by ICE. Six of them have already been deported, and two who are in custody have been arrested multiple times and have also been deported multiple times. These two face up to 20 years in prison.

Now, if you read articles about the above in the main stream press, you may see them try to downplay the success of having the ICE agent in the jail. You may, for example, read that 10% of those brought to the jail were illegal aliens not the 33% that the CM PRESS is reporting.

Why the difference in percentages? Because the libs in the mainstream press are trying to fool you. They base their 10% illegal alien figure on the total number of people brought to the station during December which was roughly 450 people, not on the actual number of people who were interviewed by the ICE agent, which was only 138 people.
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(Say, did we mention that Foley lives near the Mission-Mendoza slum, that is full of barracks style functionally obsolete apartment buildings, that is the habitat for many criminals and gangs and where there have been several murders recently and where gangs own the turf and let you know this with their constant graffiti?

Did we mention that this slum is driving down the home values in Mesa del Mar--where Katrina Foley lives?),

Here's the essential part of what the paper says Foley said: "City Councilwoman Katrina Foley...[said] considering the number of people with detainers placed on them made up about 10% of the bookings in December, the city should focus law enforcement on the other 90% of people committing crimes who are in the country legally."

Ah, Foley, we see you. You can't hide. Read what we wrote above. The detainer rate is 33% of those actually interviewed. Your 10% figure is meaningless.
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Liberal Joe Bell of Newport Beach, who doesn't like the fact that Costa Mesa has closed down its job center, still hasn't replied to our offer to help him open a job center in his own neighborhood of Santa Ana Heights (which is apparently now called Bayshore). Say, Joe, what do you say to those who might think it's racist to drop the name Santa Ana? Maybe you can petition to get the old name back.

Anyway, Joe has his usual column in the Pilot today (1/4/07). (Joe never seems to be able to remove those glasses he wears). Well, shucks golly, Joe tells us how his neighborhood is very neighborly and how his neighbors brought him some black-eyed peas. Why, it's downright Mayberry.

Joe, do you think your neighbors would stop by and be so neighborly if you opened a job center in your neighborhood? You know, Joe, the kind of place you want in our city Costa Mesa (where you don't live)?

We stand ready to help you open the Joe N. Bell Job Center in Santa Ana Heights, Newport Beach, Joe. Ah, correct that; the Joe N. Bell Job Center in Bayshore, Newport Beach. Give us a call.
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Those are our opinions. Thanks for reading them.