Tuesday, August 30, 2011

CM PRESS # 606


Machisma pitted against chutzpah.  Will Alvarez be forced to resign?  If so, will the liberal  mostly Democrat Latino population be angry at the liberal mostly Democrat Jewish population?

We're waiting now for someone to start one of those PR "polls" that happen during election years that will count the number of bagels sold vs. the number of tacos sold on 4th Street.

Buy a taco and support Alvarez or buy a bagel and support Chase.

Will the GOP now sound off on the issue or will the Republicans be smart and just watch the liberal Dems fracture their vote?

Mark our words, this has the potential to be much bigger than just a Santa Ana issue. 

Stay tuned.
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So, an all Black group--that doesn't even have a White in the window--calls the Tea Party, that always tries hard to put a Black in the window, racist.

Unfortunately, some low self-esteem Whites in the Tea Party will urinate all over themselves to prove that they aren't racist and they'll trot out some Black who doesn't have a chance of winning even a dog catcher election as their great Black hope for president.

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And, since it is always helpful to have a full description to locate someone, the Daily Pilot uses the word "Latina."

However, in the above case, the Latina is not a criminal suspect.

Contrast the above way the Pilot gave a full description with the way it often reports crime stories. When Latinos are involved as criminal suspects, there is usually no racial or ethnic description given.

See how it works?
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Why South Asians Get Type 2 Diabetes Four Times More Than Whites

It's not because of rice or soy sauce.  It's genes.
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And...Possible Explanation For Higher Hypertension Among Blacks Found

Nope, it's not remnants of slavery or salt or mean white people.  It's genes.
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The liberals are fighting each other and it's a laugh a minute.

Here's a recap of the situation:  A Jewish developer is buying up commercial properties on 4th Street in Santa Ana, and he's trying to upgrade the area to attract a more affluent and hip clientele.  More affluent and hip, in this case, means white people.

The present tenants in the buildings he's buying are mostly Latino merchants who are used to selling to blue collar Latino customers with little money.

Latino liberals, including one Latina City Councilwoman are whispering (and in some cases not so quietly) that ethnic cleansing is going on and that this is Nazi like.

In fact, the Latina Councilwoman used the term "ethnic cleansing" and brought up the name "Hitler," at a recent City Council meeting.  When she did that, the Jewish developer and his son got incensed, and now there are cries of anti-Semitism being leveled at the Latina City Councilwoman and those who support her.

The battle lines are interesting.

It is Latinos on one side and those who want to improve the central core of Santa Ana on the other.

But, because the issue of anti-Semitism has entered the picture, some Latinos who oppose the gentrification of the area are now attacking the Latina City Councilwoman who is also against gentrification and the Latinos who are attacking the Latina City Councilwoman are in turn are being attacked by other Latinos who say they are "traitors to their own people."  This last charge is interesting because some of those saying it (which could be considered a racist statement, could it not?) are saying that the developer is "racist." 

Meanwhile, some are saying that the Latina Councilwoman is not racist.

The funny thing in all this is that no one defines "racist" and, as usual, the term is used for just about everything. 

Generalized abstractions such as "racist," that can mean whatever the speaker wants them to mean, are often used as cudgels against opponents. And, in Santa Ana, all sides are using the term.  We told you liberals and lefties have tiny misshapen brains, didn't we?

It's gotten so silly that one half expects that  if you go to 4th Street and choose a donut over a bagel, you'll be called an anti-Semite and if you ask that you have extra cream in your coffee, you'll be called a racist.
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The magazine will now be displayed (mostly unread) on coffee tables of blue haired ladies on the Upper East Side so visitors to their apartments will think they are cultured.

Ah, the masks we wear to tell the world we are this or that when inside we are nothing of the sort. 

Say, that's a little like going to church just to be seen going to church or like putting "In God We Trust" on the back wall of the Costa Mesa City Council chambers to show we trust in God, even if we, ourselves, aren't trustworthy.
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  1. CM Press, you have to pay to read the New Yorker article? People have real bills to pay trying to make ends meet in Obama's new economy. We don't have extra money to pay liberal papers to read their rants. What is with this paper. Get with the times!

    Since it's a paid-for article, doubt anyone will read it.

  2. I hope you know that everyone in town reads your CM PRESS Martin. The reason you get so few comments is because readers agree with you. You never fail to hit the nail squarely on the head.

  3. Phil: Right.

    Carol Ann: We've got hundreds of comments that we haven't put up. Many of them claim things about another blogger that lack proper citations and verification. Some are about certain city employees and former city employees, that we've held back also because they lack citations and verification.

    We've held back others because they are obviously from the other side and just try to further a lefty agenda or try to bait us or others.

    We've also held some back because they're just name calling and add little to the conversation.

    And, finally, we get lots of photos and other material over our transom and we've put up some of those photos.

    To both of you, thanks for reading the CM PRESS and thanks for commenting.

