Wednesday, August 24, 2011

CM PRESS # 600


Sounds logical and common sense.  But wait a minute.  One of the reasons that Costa Mesa has become a magnet both for homeless people and for illegal aliens is because of a concentration of charity services located here.

In Costa Mesa you can get free food, free bags of groceries, free dental care, free medical care, help with paying your utilities, and even free money all from the charities.

Most of these charity services have nothing to do with the local government other than some of them getting HUD CDBG funds that are funneled through the City. But the charities can easily walk away from those funds and any strings attached.

So, while the City says it will cut off services to homeless people who do not have links to the city, this is pretty much meaningless.  The charities are what they're coming for, not whatever minor support they presently get from the City.

And, when other cities route their homeless people to Costa Mesa, they're not sending them to the City government, but to the charities.  And, there's always a reasonable reason for doing so.  "We dropped this person off in Costa Mesa because he or she needed dental work or this person had a medical problem."

How do you stop that?  You can't, unless you get the charities to move out of Costa Mesa and unless there's a change in thinking among the elites in the City who constantly praise the charities and go to their fund raising parties so they can get their names in the Daily Pilot as kind and compassionate people.

We've written it hundreds of times: If you have a swamp full of alligators, you won't get rid of them until you drain the swamp.  And, if you drain the swamp, they'll leave all on their own.  This is because all organisms seek comfort.  Remove the comfort and they'll seek it elsewhere.
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The Booker T. Washington Society's Wright Award is named after Ms. Wright.

Ms. Wright contacted me several years ago and wanted to run some of my national columns.  I agreed.
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You can't become an Indian by living among them or by putting a feather in your hair. 

An Indian is a genetic type.  You have to be born an Indian to be an Indian.

The Cherokee Nation has decided to end the slow genocide that they faced after they earlier let non-Indians claim to be Indians.

Naturally, the Cherokees will now be called racist.  Yawn.  It's better to be called names by haters and bigots than to go extinct.
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Not B. Venezia

In her latest column in the OC REGISTER, Barbara Venezia, who channels Lucy's red hair dye, writes of an "unprecedented chaotic time in" Costa Mesa's history and bemoans what she sees as chaos.

Ah, Barbara, what you and your fellow shallow thinkers and your status quo buddies don't understand is that the New Council is bringing in revolutionary changes to the way the city is governed. 

The Old Order, that just rubber stamped everything and kept increasing the size of an already bloated government and which had screwed up priorities, is falling. Those who benefited from the bloated government, don't like the changes and they're flopping around like fish on a pier.

There is nothing going on in Costa Mesa that is unexpected by those who understand the nature of changes and the forces that want to stop those changes.   Of course the Old Order is trying to stop the changes.  Totally expected. 

Barbara you really offer no insights in your column.  You might as well have written that you see an unprecedented chaotic time in Libya's history right now. 

When Old Orders fall, some observers--especially those Chicken Littles who are prone to hysteria--have a hard time sorting things out and can't see that there is new order forming out of the seeming chaos.

Old Orders being booted out of power always fight against revolutionary changes.  They never go quietly.  They like the power, the money, the perks.

In Libya, the revolution is by armed struggle because there are no mechanisms in place for meaningful changes. 

In Costa Mesa, we see a peaceful revolution that is returning our local government to the people using the proper mechanisms available under our system of government.

The New Council is right sizing our local government and hopefully getting our priorities straightened out.

Instead of giving all revenues to employees, who always want more, the New Council is starting to spend money on things that will improve Costa Mesa in the long run.

Hopefully, we'll see the New Council step up its efforts to fix the broken Westside. 

In fact, this is how the CM PRESS will judge the effectiveness of the New Council.  If we see improvements on the Westside increase, then we'll give the New Council high marks.

If the Westside doesn't improve in important ways, then we'll give the New Council low marks.

As always, we're watching.  Our eyes are never blinded by red hair dye.
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